• Three usage scenarios with browserify

    Some prior words on browserify debug mode First of all, remember that browserify will, by default function in debug mode. That is why the first time you try browserify you’ll see a lot of gibberish characters appended to the browserified file. Every scenario described here, has its own way of disabling the debugging (i.e. disabling source…

    Three usage scenarios with browserify
  • Creating an evented interface from a polling function with NodeJS

    It’s not uncommon to be in the need to call an async function at an interval in order to get some data from a remote URL, or for instance, checking the status of a service. I’ve used a couple of npm modules that interface with a REST API (like i.e. node-twitter or node-flickr) and sometimes I want…

  • Sharing Express session data with socket.io

    How to access the cookie-based session data of an express app from a socket instance What do I mean with Sharing Express session data with socket.io? Well, if I have an express app and a socket.io server instance, both attached to the same http or https server, what I would like, is to be able…